Clinton Foundation Essay Contest Offering $2500 Scholarship

If there's one thing all colleges have in common it's that they aren't cheap — so scholarships ae essential.
The Clinton Foundation recently announced the details of its annual scholarship competition with a $2,500 prize for the winner. The competition, called "Ideas Matter," asks high school juniors and seniors to write a 500- to 1,000- word essay addressing one of four themes: increasing opportunity for girls and women, improving childhood health, creating economic opportunity and growth, or helping communities address race relations.
According to the scholarship competition guidelines, students should define a challenge, propose an idea to alleviate that challenge, and develop a strategy for putting that idea into action.
Details about how the essays will be judged are shown on this rubric.
The Ideas Matter essay contest is open to high school juniors and seniors in Arkansas and the deadline to submit an essay is Nov. 19. Submit entries online or mail them to
Joyce Willis
Educational Programs Manager
Clinton Foundation
1200 President Clinton Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72201