Exploratory Design at Episcopal Collegiate

Imagine a class where students design and build a garden that grows in the air. Or that creates an online game, constructs an outdoor pollution detector or models an earthquake-proof structure. All these are examples of what Episcopal Collegiate Middle School students might be doing soon in new exploratory design courses.
Working in teams, students in sixth, seventh and eighth grades will tackle real-world design and engineering challenges, covering topics in their core classes. They will learn project planning, self-reflection and oral communication skills, to name a few.
In hands-on projects, students will encounter programming, engineering, robotics, 3D design and animation, as well as app design, digital presentation and video production and editing. All this will be done from modular tables and seating that move with students, with work aided by oversize whiteboards, three 3D printers, and the littleBits electronic building pro library.
For more information on the program, visit EpiscopalCollegiate.org.