3 Ideas for Improving Your Life in September

1 Some ideas make life better; others actually save lives.
About 140 Arkansas women die of ovarian cancer each year, often because the diagnosis comes late. So, in recognition of Arkansas Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, health experts are urging women to learn symptoms and get regular checkups. Symptoms include pelvic and lower abdominal pain, gas and nausea that doesn’t go away, urgent bathroom stops day and night without any infection, unusual weight gain or loss, unexplained tiredness, changes in bowel habits and pain during intercourse. A major event in the fight against ovarian cancer, Teal Light Night, presented by the Arkansas Ovarian Cancer Coalition, is scheduled Sept. 8 at the Clinton Presidential Center. Tickets are $50 ($75 for VIP status). For more information, go to ArkansasOvarianCancer.org.
2 My wife likes to say you have to make a mess to clean a mess.
That’s a little too philosophical for me; I mean, if there is no mess, there’s nothing to clean. But I get her point: Some things that eventually make your life much easier can temporarily make it harder. Teaching kids self-sufficiency is an example. Leo Babauta of ZenHabits.net notes that as children reach school age, they can make their own breakfast, dress themselves and generally get themselves ready for the day. Babauta says his six can clean their rooms, wash dishes, sweep, mop, dust and wash the car. This all saves lots of time and trouble, but you must be willing on the front end to patiently teach your children. You’ll be happy you did, and so will Crosby, Stills and Nash.
3 Unplug yourself and your family this month, getting outside to play catch or gaze at the stars.
Even better, reconnect with nature on a trip to Lake Ouachita State Park, where Sept. 24-30 is “Take a Child Outside Week.” Kayak with your son or rent a boat for fishing with your daughter. The park’s trails offer glimpses of flowers, birds and wildlife, and sunset barge tours are available on the lake. The park’s visitor center is in Mountain Pine, a few miles northwest of Hot Springs, and more information is available by email at LakeOuachita@Arkansas.com.