This is a big one — a big birthday, that is. Tuesday, July 19 is the Historic Arkansas Museum's 75th birthday. Help celebrate Arkansas history and the museum's 75th anniversary of its 1941 opening day with FREE admission to the historic grounds and delicious cupcakes.

Encounter blasts from the past including the 1840s McVicar House and 1827 Hinderliter Grog Shop, formerly a tavern, restaurant and hotel and now Little Rock’s oldest surviving structure. Enjoy live music by Lark in the Morning in the 1840s Brownlee House and take home kitchen pepper from the Brownlee Kitchen.

Make corn shuck dolls and visit the Woodruff Print Shop to make a wax seal and see how the Arkansas Gazette was printed on a Ramage press. Venture outside to play ring toss, game of graces or try to walk on stilts. There are fun activities for the whole crew to take part in! 

Discover Arkansas' frontier past at Historic Arkansas Museum.

At 5 p.m., there will be birthday cake for the kids to enjoy and anniversary beer (just for you, mom and dad) brewed by Stone's Throw Brewing and a variety of nuts and cheeses smoked in the smoke house in the historic Brownlee Back Yard. 

Sit back, listen to the music and wander the grounds and sneak in a little summer history lesson as you spend your afternoon at this free event. Click here for more information about the Historic Arkansas Museum.