5 Events for Weekend Fun: Fourth of July Fireworks, Baseball and More

It's a grand old weekend, indeed. Have some old-fashioned American fun as the Historic Arkansas Museum hosts its annual 19th century celebration and patriotic parade. Or, enjoy modern America's favorite pastime while the Travs are in town. Then, finish off the holiday weekend by feasting your eyes on a free fireworks show. Happy Independence Day!
Arkansas Travelers at Dickey-Stephens Park: Head out to the ballpark to watch the Travs take on the Roughriders on July 2, followed by a three-game series against the RockHounds July 3-5. On the Fourth of July, fans can stay after the game to watch the downtown fireworks from their seats at the ballpark. July 2-5; times vary. $6-$12; kids 4-14 are $4 & $5; add $1 day of game. For info: (501) 664-1555, Travs.com.
Independence Day Bash at Saline County Fairgrounds: Families will enjoy helicopter rides, bounce houses, a zip line, trackless train, photo booth, bounce houses and more. The first 300 kids ages 12 and under will receive a free Build-a-Bear ticket. Plus, starting at 5 p.m., families can listen to live music from local bands. The fireworks light up the sky at 9:45 p.m. 4-10 p.m. July 2. Info: (501) 776-5970, Benton.AR.gov. FREE!
Fun on the Fourth at Pinnacle Mountain State Park: Join park interpreters in the West Summit Picnic Area for a day full of wet and wild games, including sprinkler tug-of-war, water balloon volleyball, stilt walking and more. Contact the park for a detailed schedule of events. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. July 4. For info: (501) 868-5806, ArkansasStateParks.com/PinnacleMountain. FREE!
Looking for more fireworks and fun on the Fourth of July? Click here to browse our full list of Independence Day events in central Arkansas!
Frontier Fourth of July at Historic Arkansas Museum: Celebrate Independence Day as it was celebrated on the Arkansas frontier. The afternoon activities include an old-time patriotic parade, 19th century music, free watermelon and cold lemonade, and encounters with people from the past. Cheer “huzzah” during a reading of The Declaration of Independence, and watch out for Red Coats, who have nothing good to say about it! Children can walk on stilts and play other pioneer games, and they'll be invited to take up brooms and wooden rakes to train with the militia. They will also have the opportunity to create flags, streamers and signs to use in the parade. 2-4 p.m. July 4. For info: HistoricArkansas.org. FREE!
33rd Annual Pops on the River at River Market: Be part of a central Arkansas tradition, which includes free children's activities, a classic car show, a shopping marketplace, food trucks and lots of entertainment. Entertainment inside the First Security Amphitheater includes the “Oh Say! Can you Sing?” contest, live music and the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra performance. The glorious fireworks conclude this annual event. Noon-10 p.m. July 4. For info: (501) 378-3807, Pops.ArkansasOnline.com. FREE!