4 Reasons to "Ditch the Keys" for Metroplan's Walk to School Day on May 24

Summer is just around the corner! Instead of being trapped inside the car for your last few commutes, why not take advantage of the warm weather and walk to school together as a family?
As part of central Arkansas' Ditch the Keys Week, May 20-27, families can take part in Metroplan’s Walk to School Day next Tuesday, May 24. It’ll be good for your families’ health and will help protect air quality for the entire community. But in case you need even more motivation, here are a few additional reasons why you should take part in Walk to School Day:
• Walking improves children’s academic performance: Reports show children who walk to school are more alert and have better concentration in the classroom. Walking is also known to increase creativity, boost energy and reduce stress.
• Walking reduces harmful ground level ozone: Walking to school helps reduce ground level oil, the bad type of ozone that’s created when pollutants like vehicle exhaust mix with sunlight. Breathing ground level ozone can cause children to experience chest pain, throat irritation, congestion or reduced lung function.
• Walking ensures children get regular physical activity: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends children get one hour or more of physical activity each day. Walking to school is an easy way for children to incorporate regular physical activity into their daily lives while encouraging long-term healthy habits. It also offers benefits like stronger bones, muscles and joints, as well as a decreased risk of obesity.
• Walking enhances children’s developmental health: Did you know walking to school helps children develop independence and harness their decision-making skills? That’s because walking to school gives children the opportunity to explore their community and interact with classmates, friends and neighbors.
Need more incentives? Hit the pavement with your family for Walk to School Day, and you’ll receive goodies and deals from local shops like Community Bakery, The Green Corner Store, Chainwheel and others. All you have to do is register at DitchTheKeys.com. Because who doesn’t want free queso or an ice cream sundae after their afternoon walk?