5 FREE Events for Weekend Fun: Astronomy Day, Teddy Bear Clinic & IndiaFest

What's better than a weekend full of family fun? A weekend full of FREE family fun! Each of the events on our list this weekend are free, from National Astronomy Day celebrations at Pinnacle Mountain State Park to a Teddy Bear Clinic and summer reading kick-off at Laman Library. Keep reading for more free fun!
IndiaFest at River Market Pavilion: Delve into the culture of India with a wide variety of Indian cuisine, entertainment (dances, music, fashion shows), fashion, and exhibits that showcase the culture and products of India. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. May 15. For info: (501) 404-8939, IndiaFestAR.com. Admission FREE!
National Astronomy Day at Pinnacle Mountain State Park: Join park interpreters and members of the Central Arkansas Astronomical Society for a day dedicated to stars, planets, and all things out of this world. Roast marshmallows using the sun’s solar rays, learn the secret of creating enormous bubbles, and discover what it’s like to be an astronomer. A Star Party will take place from 8-10 p.m., where you can look through giant telescopes at the night sky and learn more about celestial happenings. All ages are welcome. 2-10 p.m. May 14. Info: (501) 868-5806, ArkansasStateParks.com/PinnacleMountain. FREE!
Discovery in the Park Presents the Little Rock Zoo at Tyndall Park in Benton: The Little Rock Zoo brings a showcase of exotic animals for the enjoyment of attendees. The family learns about the animals from around the world, and will meet a ferret, Ball Python, Great Horned Owl, Veiled Chameleon, Bald Eagle and a penguin. 10 a.m. May 14. Info: (501) 776-5970, BentonAR.org. FREE!
Health Fair & Teddy Bear Clinic at Laman Library in North Little Rock: The Summer Reading Program kicks off with a health fair! Children are invited to learn about taking care of themselves and their friends with North Little Rock High School’s Med Pro Classes’ Teddy Bear Clinic. After the fair, children may leave their stuffed animals for a library sleepover. (Please be sure this is a stuffed animal your child won’t miss too much until you can pick it up when the library reopens on Monday, May 16.) The stuffed friends will go home with proof of all the fun they had afterhours at the library! 10 a.m.-2 p.m. May 14. Info: (501) 758-1720, LamanLibrary.org. FREE!
Heifer Hour: Bees at Heifer Village: Drop in any time throughout the day to have some fun at the Heifer Hour activity table. Heifer Hour features a fun activity to inspire kids and their parents to help end hunger and poverty while caring for the Earth. Activities are geared for children K-5 and all materials are provided. This week, kids will learn about bees and make their own honeycomb! 10 a.m.-5 p.m. May 14. Info: (501) 907-2697, Heifer.org. FREE!