Little Rock Kids Talk Turkey, Share Why They Give Thanks
by Little Rock Family Staff on 11/19/2015 12:00am

Happy Thanksgiving! Little Rock Family took to Facebook and Instagram to find out why local kids love the food and family-focused holiday. We asked parents to pose this simple question to their youngsters: What are you thankful for on Thanksgiving?
- “I’m thankful for a table to eat on...oh! And my cat, Mavis!” –Addison, 5
- “I am thankful for my family, food on the table, clothes on my back, the free country we live in and Jesus Christ.” –Jenna, 11
- “I am thankful for God and Jesus and mom and dad and our dogs and [my sisters] Jenna, Devan and Jordan and everybody.” –Desi, 7
- “Family, friends, and those who stick beside you when you need them.” –Kylie, 12
- “Turkey and seeing everybody I know.” –Wrangler, 6
- “Kindness, hope, & love.” –Sydney, 4
- “God and food.” –Jackson, 7
- “Family coming from far away to eat together.” –Kenzie, 8
- “My Dad buys me a lot of Takis.” –Ira, 7
- “Be good and nice. Thank you for Valentine’s and I love you.” –Veda, 5
- “My blankie and teddy bear.” –Bowen, 4
- “I’m thankful for all the food and the way Thanksgiving started with the Pilgrims and the Indians.” –Quinn, 10
- “I’m thankful for God giving us food.” –Kai, 8
- “I’m thankful for family, friends, and Jesus.” –Mika, 13
- “Something with...something at school...Hey, what’s Frank doing up there?” –Kaitlynn, 3
- “I’m thankful for Papa.” –Trey, 4