10 Ways To Avoid Turkey Day Temptations (Without Losing Holiday Fun and Flavor!)
by Meg Green, RD, LD, Arkansas Children's Hospital on 11/24/2015 12:00am

Kids know the holidays come with more treats than usual. Parents know they come with temptation! Here are a few tips to help families incorporate their holiday favorites without going overboard:
- Fix your plate and move to another room away from the food.
- Offer to bring your favorite healthy dish and ask other family members to do the same.
- Choose smaller portions and eat slowly. Truly enjoy the foods that you may only have once a year.
- Choose low-calorie drinks such as water, unsweetened tea or diet beverages.
- Watch out for heavy holiday favorites, such as honey glazed hams, turkey swimming in gravy, and dishes loaded with butter, sour cream, cheese or mayo.
- Look for side dishes that are light on butter and other extra fats and sugars, such as marshmallow or fried toppings.
- Select fruit instead of pies, cakes and other desserts high in fat and sugar.
- Focus on friends, family and activities instead of food. Take a walk after a meal, help clean, or create a new tradition of a friendly family game of football.
- Don’t sleep away your vacation. Use this extra time to get moving and stay active.
- Do your best to not overindulge, but if you do, get back on track quickly.