7 Events for Weekend Fun: Arkansas Foodbank Fundraiser, Fall Festivals & More

Hungry? Barbeque is on the menu at several fantastic family events this weekend! The Arkansas Foodbank's Drive Away Hunger event will serve up 'que from Whole Hog Cafe. Plus, you'll find a friendly competition at Bryant's Buzzin' BBQ Bash, which will be held alongside the city's annual Fall Fest.
It's also going to be a great weekend to head to a county fair or a fun festival—there are seven in the metro area (click here for details)! Plus, "Puss in Boots" is still entertaining families at the Arkansas Arts Center Children's Theatre; and it's parents' last chance to see the stellar production of "Macbeth" at the Arkansas Repertory Theatre.
Oh, and one last thing: Pumpkin Patches.
Now, here are your 7 top events for weekend fun!
World Fest at War Memorial Park: Presented by the Little Rock Racial and Cultural Diversity Commission, World Fest offers students of all ages multicultural learning experiences through a variety of activities, including a worldly scavenger hunt, and performances. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Sept. 25. Info: RCDCWorldFest.org. FREE!
Drive Away Hunger at Arkansas Foodbank: Attend this casual family event to benefit the Arkansas Foodbank. Adults enjoy barbeque from Whole Hog Cafe, craft beer and live entertainment by The B Flats; and visitors can take tours of the warehouse. Kids won’t want to miss a puppet show, bounce house and slide, face painting and games. 5-8 p.m. Sept. 26. Price: $30; children under 10 free. Info: (501) 569-4329, ArkansasFoodbank.org.
28th Annual Fall Fest & Bryant's Buzzin' BBQ Bash at Bishop Park in Bryant: At this annual festival of food and fun, activities include a parade, fishing derby, Duct Tape Boat Race, pumpkin decorating contest, hula hoop contest and a KidZland. Stop by the festival’s first-ever Buzzin' BBQ Bash, too. Voting tickets available for purchase to vote on favorite BBQ. 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Sept. 26. Admission & parking are free; food and Kidzland admission vary. Info: (501) 847-4702, BryantChamber.com.
Running of the Bulls at Clinton Presidential Center: The Spanish tradition of running with the bulls comes to the River Market—with a twist. The Girls Rollin in the South (GRITS) roller derby league will serve as the event’s “bulls” as they chase runners heading down President Clinton Avenue. Enjoy event festivities, including a photobooth, bounce houses and firetruck rides for children. Registration begins at 8 a.m., the kid’s race for ages 6-12 is at 8:45 a.m., and adults run at 9:30 a.m. Proceeds benefit Family Promise of Pulaski County, an organization that offers safe shelter, meals and more to homeless families. 8 a.m. Sept. 26. Price: $30; kids 6-12 are $15. Info: BullRunLR.com.
National Hunting and Fishing Day at Witt Stephens Jr. Central Arkansas Nature Center: Learn about the outdoors in the Natural State, including our water trails, family and community fishing ponds, boater education and youth shooting sports. Fun-filled activities for the whole family include a casting competition, a 3-D archery range, demonstrations on animal calls, and a one-hour fishing clinic with a free pole for the first 50 participants (ages 8-18). 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sept. 26. Info: (501) 907-0636, CentralArkansasNatureCenter.com. FREE!
ASO Masterworks Series: Grieg's Piano Concerto at Maumelle Performing Arts Center: The Arkansas Symphony Orchestra kicks off this season’s Masterworks Series featuring pianist Jon Kimura Parker. With Maestro Philip Mann at the helm, the orchestra will perform pieces from Mendelssohn, Borodin and Grieg. Performances are: 7:30 p.m. Sept. 26 & 3 p.m. Sept. 27. $19-$58; kids in grades K-12 free to Sunday performance with the Entergy Kids Ticket; ticket must be accompanied by an adult ticket. Info: (501) 666-1761, ArkansasSymphony.org.
Fighting Red 5K/Family Fun Run at Cooks Landing/Big Dam Bridge: The Fighting Red 5K is this year’s primary fundraiser for the Cord Blood Bank of Arkansas. Funds generated through this special event will support ongoing outreach and educational efforts to promote cord blood donation and important research. This family fun run starts at Cooks Landing on the North Little Rock side of the Big Dam Bridge. Families will also find kids activities, pizza and prizes. Bone marrow swabbing will be available for free for ages 18-55, so you can see if you are a match for someone needing a lifesaving transplant. Family fun run at 6 p.m., certified 5K race 7 p.m. Sept. 25. Info: FightingRed5K.com.
For more central Arkansas events, browse our full online calendar here.