10 Ideas for Labor Day Weekend Family Fun: Kayaking and Swimming, Fireworks, Mini Golf and More

So long, summer. Go out with a bang and party away Labor Day weekend—family style, of course! Here are 10 ideas for family fun over the holiday weekend, from paddling a water trail to watching a family flick at a drive-in theater!
1. Step inside the Oval Office. The full-scale replica of the Oval Office is one of the Clinton Presidential Center’s most popular attractions—and beginning this weekend, museum-goers can get a closer look at the Commander-in-Chief’s office! Previously, visitors could peer into the exhibit from the office’s doors and windows. Now, the exhibit will open for visitors to tour at no extra charge. You can also have your photo taken behind the Resolute Desk, and the photos will be available for purchase. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. 5. $7, senior citizens ages 62 and older & college students $5, children ages 6-17 $3, children under 6 free. For info: ClintonPresidentialCenter.org.
2. Root, root, root for the home team. Watch the Arkansas Travelers' final games of the season as they take on the Northwest Arkansas Naturals at Dickey-Stephens Park! Saturday's game features Xpogo shows before and during the game. Operation Military Day on Sunday allows those with a military ID to receive $3 off; and kids can take photos with a player, too! The season officially culminates with Monday’s Diamond Series Cup game. 7:10 p.m. Sept. 5; 2:10 p.m. Sept. 6 & 1:10 p.m. Sept. 7. $6-13. For info: (501) 664-7559, Travs.com.
3. Paddle a water trail. Water lovers can celebrate the grand opening of DeGray Lake’s first-ever water trail, the Islets Cove Paddle Trail, at 10 a.m. Sept. 5. Participants ages 10 and up can join park interpreters for an inaugural paddle. Flatwater kayaks will be available for rent for $5, and stand up paddleboards will be available for rent as well. Or, head to Pinnacle Mountain for a guided float: On Sept. 5, participants can hop in a canoe to explore the Big Maumelle River; on Sept. 7, experience cypress trees and a variety of wildlife in a kayak. For info: DeGray.com or ArkansasStateParks.com/PinnacleMountain.
4. Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at Magic Springs Water & Theme Park. In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the park presents a performance from accordion musical act, Los Invasores de Nuevo Leon in the Timberwood Amphitheater. Plus, families can enjoy a mariachi band, special dancers and other activities. Best of all, admission for the day will be half price. All day Sept. 6; concert begins at 8 p.m. General admission to park $22.50. For info: MagicSprings.com.
5. Take a dip. Labor Day weekend is your last chance to splash around at many of the local water parks and splash pads before they close for the season! For details on all of the water parks open this weekend, read our full blog post here.
6. Hang out at Bass Pro's free festival. Send off summer at the Labor Day Hometown Festival Sept. 5-6, where children can pick a plastic duck from the duck pond for prizes, participate in a casting challenge, have their faces painted, enjoy free hot dogs, funnel cake and other food samples, and make an craft. Noon-5 p.m. Sept. 5-6. For info: BassPro.com/Hometown. FREE!
7. Putt, putt your heart out. Every Friday night at Big Rock Mini Golf & Fun Park, visitors can play a round of glow-in-the-dark golf on the greens! The family fun spot will be open all weekend, including on Labor Day starting at 10 a.m. From 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sept. 7, they'll offer a Hometown Heroes special discount for police, firefighters and EMTS. For info: BigRockFunPark.com.
8. Get away to the Spa City. Hot Springs is one of our favorite three-day weekend destinations and this will be a great holiday to make the quick trip. On Saturday evening, the city celebrates Labor Day with fireworks in downtown Hot Springs (rain date is Sept. 7). And, this weekend is the 24th Annual Jazz Festival, with free live music played from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. on Sept. 5 under the Broadway Street Sky-Bridge. At 4 p.m., you can even participate in salsa lessons as the 8-piece band Calle Soul provides dancing tunes. For info: HotSprings.org.
9. Make it a movie marathon. Dreaming of a bucket of popcorn and family flicks? Head to your favorite local cinema OR trek to one of Arkansas' three drive-in theaters. They're all playing fun movies for the holiday weekend, including "Inside Out" and "Jurassic World." And, at the Kenda Drive-In, you can truly make it a marathon with their triple feature deal. On Sept. 4-6, they'll show "Minions," "Jurassic World" and "Furious 7" for just $5 admission; children ages 6-11 $2. For info, click here.
10. Call the Hogs at the first game of the season. Woo pig! You'll find football fans in Fayetteville for the holiday weekend to watch as the Razorbacks kick off a new season. The Hogs will play University of Texas at El Paso on Saturday, Sept. 5. Before you head back home, make a detour to Bentonville to explore the incredible new children's museum, the Amazeum. You won't regret it. For info: ArkansasRazorbacks.com.
Need more ideas for Labor Day weekend? Browse our full online calendar here. Or, check out our City Guides for lists of ice cream shops, dog parks, swimming holes and more.