Great To Be Grand: Little Rock Kids Share Why Their Grandparents Are the Coolest

Being a grandparent can be a pretty sweet gig—literally. It takes a lot of ice cream, chocolate and candy to spoil those grandkids rotten! Regardless of sugar intake, kids love their grands in a special way.
So, in honor of Grandparents Month and National Grandparents Day on Sept. 13, Little Rock Family took to Facebook and Instagram to find out why local kids think their grandparents are the best. We asked parents to pose this simple question to their youngsters: What is your favorite thing about your grandpa or grandma?
“Because he’s a cop so he saves people and gets bad guys.” –Madden, 4
“Because they are sweet and don’t spank me.” –Braydon, 7
“She’s snuggly!” –Payton, 5
“They take me on cool trips like Branson and New Orleans!” –Ronan, 8
“I love my Mawmaw because she cooks better than anybody in the whole world and she loves me more.” –Amelia, 9
“They buy me stuff!” –Easton, 8
“They let me stay up as late as I want and don’t wake me up just because it’s up time.” –Ava, 5
“She cooks us bacon in the morning.” –Cooper, 7
“Because she’s so nice! And she’s funny.” –Daniel, 7
“I love that she gives me cake and ice cream for breakfast!” –Sophie, 8
“Nana and Pop let us come to their barn and explore.” –Addison, 7
“She gives me cookies and it makes me wild, then she lets me go home.” –John, 4
“They let me stay up as late as I want and don’t wake me up just because it’s up time.” –Ava, 5
“Everything. She’s just about perfect. And I love that she loves me like a mango.” –Will, 11
(Note from Will’s Mom: “’Love you like a mango’ is how they end their phone calls. I can’t even remember how that started.”)