10 Events for Weekend Fun: Free Easter Egg Hunts, Opening Day of NLR Funland and More

Springtime fun has sprung in central Arkansas, and this weekend you and your busy bees can buzz around Little Rock and North Little Rock to find tons of family events. Of course, Easter Egg Hunts will be plentiful with free events in multiple locations. But if you're all egged-out, there are plenty of other springtime celebrations too, from the opening day of Funland in North Little Rock to Feathered Flyers Weekend at Pinnacle Mountain State Park.
Happy Easter from our Little Rock Family to yours! For our complete list of family-friendly Easter events in Little Rock and central Arkansas, click here.
Burns Park Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Pavilion 10 in Burns Park: Kids ages 1-9 are divided into three age groups, with only 25 children seeking out Easter eggs at any given time. When they aren't on the hunt, children can participate in various games and holiday activities, enter to win prizes and take pictures with the Easter Bunny. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m.; event begins at 9 a.m. April 4. Info: (501) 791-8541, NLRPR.org. FREE!
10th Annual Easter Family Festival and Egg Hunt at Clinton Presidential Center: This giant egg hunt features eco-friendly eggs—thousands of them—hidden on the lawn of the Presidential Park. Children can also win prizes, and participate in games and activities. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. April 4; rain date: 1-4 p.m. April 5. Info: (501) 374-4242, ClintonFoundation.org. FREE!
Fourth Annual ThatChurch.com Egg Drop at Two Locations in Cabot & Sherwood: The two egg drops are held at Sylvan Hills Football Field and Cabot High School Football Field; the fields at each event location are divided into sections for specific age groups, including a section just for children with special needs. The stadiums fill up fast, so early arrival is suggested. The pre-drop events will keep families entertained while waiting for the arrival of the Egg Drop helicopter that will shower the field with candy-filled Easter eggs. With thousands of eggs dropped, every child will leave with a basket full of eggs. The Sylvan Hills event is 11:30 a.m.; Cabot High event is noon April 4. Info: (501) 833-4673, ThatChurch.com. FREE!
27th Annual Community Easter Sunrise Service at First Security Amphitheater: Celebrate Easter in downtown Little Rock, as thousands gather on the banks of the Arkansas River with music, scripture and fellowship. This is a non-denominational service for all ages. The dress is casual and attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs. Leashed dogs are welcome. 7 a.m. April 5. Info: (501) 664-3600, CommunitySunriseService.com. FREE!
Opening Day of Funland Amusement Park at Burns Park in North Little Rock: This small family-style amusement park in Burns Park opens for the season this Saturday! The park features rides for young children, including a carousel, train and cups-and-saucers ride. Park is open April 4-Sept. 27. Hours: 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Sat.; 1-6 p.m. Sun. Price: $10 unlimited ride pass; $1-$2 per ride. Info: (501) 753-7307, NLRPR.org.
Clinton McDonald & Macc-lid Host Fun Day at Jacksonville High School: Bring your budding athletes and family to this event to meet NFL players, coaches and trainers. Fuel up on food, dance to cool tunes, and jump in bounce houses. Free haircuts, too! 5:30-9 p.m. April 3. $5. Info: MACCLID.org.
Feathered Flyers Weekend at Pinnacle Mountain State Park: Fly into a fun and active weekend featuring feathered friends, including hummingbirds, raptors, waterfowl, backyard birds, and more. The weekend begins with a fluttery start: Hummingbird Viewing workshop at 8:30 a.m. April 4! Many programs, workshops, and activites continue throughout the weekend. Visit the park website for a detailed schedule. April 4-5. Info: (501) 758-1720, ArkansasStateParks.com/PinnacleMountain. FREE!
11th Annual Real Deal in the Rock at Various Little Rock Locations: Be part of this premiere spring basketball tournament. Pre-tournament events include the Arkansas vs. Tennessee All-Star Classic at 6 p.m. (women) & 7:30 p.m (men) April 2 at Hall High School. The tournament officially begins with tip-off at 6 p.m. April 3 at more than 40 gymnasiums around Little Rock. Games continue Sat. and Sun., with the semi-finals and championships scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. Sun. April 2-5. Info: (501) 944-8381, RealDealInTheRock.com.
Animal Explorations! at Little Rock Zoo: During this class, students learn the ins and outs of what makes different animals so unique. Get the inside scoop on our animals, and peer into the eyes of some of our zoo’s coolest creatures. This weekend, you'll meet primates (9-10:30 a.m.) and/or reptiles (1-2:30 p.m.) Registration required. 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. April 4. $25; members $20. Info: (501) 666-2406, LittleRockZoo.com.
NanoDays at Museum of Discovery: Nano technology may be about the “little” things, but it’s a BIG deal in science. Join us and be amazed by one of the fastest growing scientific fields of today. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. April 4. $10; seniors, teachers, military & children 1-12 are $8; under 1 & members are free. Info: (501) 396-7050, MuseumOfDiscovery.org.
For more central Arkansas events, browse our full online calendar here.