Girl Scout Cookie Restaurant Week Sweetens Little Rock with Inspired Desserts

We didn't think we could love Girl Scout cookie season any more than we already do. But, boy, were we wrong! Girl Scouts - Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas have partnered with some of our favorite local restaurants to create Girl Scout cookie-inspired desserts for Girl Scout Cookie Restaurant Week, Feb. 23-March 1.
Each night of the week, a different restaurant will feature a special dessert inspired by the popular cookies. Here's the lineup:
Feb. 23-March 1: Elliott Jones of YaYa's Euro Bistro will offer a Tagalongs-inspired dessert
Feb. 24: Matt Lowman of South on Main will offer a Do-Si-Do-inspired dessert
Feb. 24-28: Brian Deloney of Maddie's Place will offer a Toffee-Tastic-inspired dessert
Feb. 25-28: Alexis Jones of Natchez will offer a Trefoil-inspired dessert
Feb. 25-March 1: Autumn Hall of Big Orange will offer a Samoas-inspired milkshake
Feb. 26-28: Jeff Owen of Ciao Baci will offer a Savannah Smiles-inspired dessert
Feb. 27: Anne Woodson of Forty-Two will offer a Thin Mint-inspired dessert
Check out the Girl Scouts - Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas Facebook page for chef features and updates throughout the week.
And, if you haven't ordered your supply of Girl Scout cookies this year, there's still time! Order your favorites through March 15; for more info, click here.