Family Fun: 9 Free Things To Do During Winter Break

You've unwrapped all of the presents under the tree, visited Grandma and Grandpa, eaten an entire turkey—now what? If your wallet is feeling a little light from all of the gift purchases, here are 9 FREE family events and activities in central Arkansas—one for each day of the winter break (Dec. 26-Jan. 3).
Saturday, Dec. 26
Santa may have come and gone, but if your family is still in the Christmas spirit, visit the Trail of Holiday Lights at Sherwood's Enchanted Forest. It's free to drive through the mile-long trail of lights that includes over 92 brightly-lit displays, but donations are accepted. The lights will be twinkle from 6-9:30 p.m. each night through Dec. 30. For more info, visit or click here to see our full guide to holiday lights.
Sunday, Dec. 27
If the weather is to your liking, drive west and spend the day at Pinnacle Mountain State Park! At 3 p.m. you can meet a park interpreter at the West Summit Trailhead to roast marshmallows and share nature stories—why does the opossum have a tail? Why does the owl hoot? For info, visit
Monday, Dec. 28
Get out of the house and learn about Heifer's mission to fight world hunger during the free Holiday Break Fun Days at Heifer Village. Kids can explore the hands-on exhibits and make a craft each day, including Chinese Water Buffalo Lanterns (Dec. 28 & Jan. 2), Coffee Cup Sleeves (Dec. 29), Chicken Coups (Dec. 30) and Goat Ornaments (Dec. 31). 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Dec. Dec. 28-Jan 2, except Jan. 1. For more info, visit
Tuesday, Dec. 29
Get kiddos excited about learning (and going back to school) with a family field trip to the Historic Arkansas Museum. The indoor galleries are free (a small fee applies to tour the historic grounds and restored houses) and little ones will love the Sturgis Children's Gallery, where they can put on a puppet show and don 19th century-style clothing. You can also discover the Natural State's rich cultural history in the Arkansas Made Gallery. And visit one of the temporary exhibits, such as the impressive craftsmanship featured in Art. Function. Craft: The Life and Work of Arkansas Living Treasures. For more info, visit
Wednesday, Dec. 30
Visit the Central Arkansas Nature Center in downtown Little Rock, a completely free educational center focusing on the outdoor recreational opportunities that our state’s fish and wildlife resources provide, as well as the role of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. At 10 a.m. Dec. 30, little ones ages 6 and younger can enjoy the free program, Wild Tales Story Time, which features books about animals and nature, as well as a guided discovery walk outside. At 2 p.m., visitors can gather by the aquatic tanks to learn about fish in Arkansas and watch as they eat a lunch of minnows and worms. For info, visit
Thursday, Dec. 31
Celebrate Kwanzaa, an African American holiday celebration that focuses on family, community, and culture, at the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center at noon Dec. 31! Community partners, including the Sue Cowan Williams Library and Pyramid Art Books, Custom Framing, will celebrate the week-long holiday from Dec. 26-Jan. 1 at various locations. Today's celebration at the museum will honor the principle of Kuumba, or Creativity. While you're there, visit the exhibit, Freedom! Oh, Freedom! Arkansas's People of African Descent and the Civil War 1861-1866. It's the last day to see the impressive history exhibit that explores the African American perspective of Civil War in Arkansas. Learn about the contributions of African American soldiers, elected officials, teachers and more. For info, visit
Friday, Jan. 1
Before you make your family resolutions, enjoy a New Year's Day hike as part of the annual First Day Hikes initiative in all 50 states, sponsored by the National Association of State Park Directors and America's State Parks. Lots of local parks, including Pinnacle Mountain, Petit Jean and Lake Catherine, have special hikes and events planned. Click here to read our full list of First Day Hikes!
Saturday, Jan. 2
Rally your LEGO-obsessed troops to build impressive structures during the holiday season. Then, enter the designs in the Fifth Annual LEGO Contest at Roosevelt Thompson Library. Contestants take their ready-built LEGO designs to the library from 9 a.m.-noon Jan. 2, and the entries will be judged from 1-3 p.m. The public is invited to view all of the designs from 3-5 p.m.; stick around to hear the winners announced at 5 p.m. Check with the library for contest guidelines; for more info, visit
Sunday, Jan. 3
Expand young minds at a free history or art exhibit around town, including the free art exhibits at Arkansas Arts Center. Through Jan. 17, families can see the exhibit, Our America: The Latino Presence in American Art. Showcasing modern and contemporary art, the exhibit is drawn entirely from the Smithsonian American Art Museum's collection.
For more events, browse our full online calendar here.