10 Events for Weekend Fun: Ballet, Breakfast with Santa and More

This morning's light dusting of snow isn't the only sign that holiday season is officially here: Get ready for more Santa sightings! He'll arrive at McCain Mall and Bass Pro Shops this weekend, Nov. 14-16 (click here for our full list of where to see Santa in Little Rock and central Arkansas!).
Santa won't be the only celebrity in town this weekend either: It's the Clinton Center's 10th Anniversary, and the community is invited to a free, star-studded concert featuring Nick Jonas, Amos Lee, Kool & the Gang and others. Plus, there are several more anniversary events we think families will love. Learn more about the festivities in our full blog post here.
There's so much more happening this weekend, too. Here are our top 10 picks for family fun this weekend, Nov. 14-16!
1. Second Friday Art Night in Downtown Little Rock: At the monthly art night in downtown Little Rock, families can explore museums and gallery spaces for free. This month, attend the opening reception of the exhibit Freedom! Oh, Freedom at the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center. The exhibit explores the Civil War from African-American perspective through experiences with slavery, the contributions of African-American soldiers and what happened in the Reconstruction Era. The reception includes refreshments and music by Rodney Block and the Real Music Lovers and the Philander Smith choir.
Stop by the Historic Arkansas Museum for the opening of the new exhibit "Under Pressure: The Arkansas Society of Printmakers" and listen to entertainment by The Greasy Greens. And, beer lovers won't want to miss the Homebrew for the Holidays at the Old State House Museum, a free annual showcase for the Central Arkansas Fermenters. Second Friday Art Night is 5-8 p.m. Nov. 14. Events FREE!
2. Arkansas Symphony Youth Orchestra & Ballet Youth at Albert Pike Memorial Temple: The Arkansas Symphony Youth Orchestra, the premier youth ensemble partner of the ASO, is joined by Ballet Arkansas Youth Division in a performance of music and dance from La Traviata, Mozart's Magic Flute, and more. $20, children $10. 7:30 p.m. Nov. 14 & 15. For info: (501) 666-1761, ArkansasSymphony.org.
3. 3rd Annual "The Nutcracker" Event at Garvan Woodland Gardens: Dancers from Ballet Arkansas perform a short show and read the story of "The Nutcracker." Children and adults have the opportunity to mingle with the cast, take pictures, and enjoy a dessert reception. Children must be accompanied by an adult, and reservations are required. $30; members are $25; kids are $15. 3-6 p.m. Nov. 16. For info: (501) 262-9300, GarvanGardens.org.
4. "Good Vibrations" Programs at Museum of Discovery: As part of Little Rock: A Decade of Progress celebrating the 10th anniversary of the opening of the William J. Clinton Library, the MOD offers two programs. During “Science of the Saxophone,” guests meet saxophone players and explore what science makes a saxophone work. In the “String Petting Zoo,” visitors can touch and play instruments from the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra. Programs included with general admission: $10, children 1-12 & seniors are $8, members and kids under 1 are free. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Science of the Saxophone, 1-3:30 p.m. String Petting Zoo; Nov. 15. For info: (501) 396-7050, MuseumOfDiscovery.org.
5. Breakfast with Santa at McCain Mall: Santa arrives on Nov. 14 on a North Little Rock Fire Department truck and settles in to take photos starting at 6 p.m. The following morning, kids of all ages can enjoy breakfast with Santa in Center Court. After breakfast, children make reindeer food and receive a free keepsake from the event. Students from the NLR Mayor's Youth Council will join the holiday fun, too. Reservations required for Breakfast with Santa. 9 a.m. Nov. 15. For info: (501) 758-6317, McCainMall.com. FREE!
6. Santa’s Wonderland at Bass Pro Shops: It's the most wonderful time of the year at Bass Pro. From Nov. 15-Dec. 24, visitors will find Santa’s Wonderland, which includes a Christmas village, model trains, twinkling lights, free crafts and free photos with the big man in red. Santa will arrive at 5 p.m. Nov. 15, where he'll invite children to help him light up the outside of the store and the big Christmas tree. Families will also be treated to free cookies and hot chocolate during the opening celebration. Kids can then participate in free games and activities all day, as well as crafts from 5-7 p.m. Mon.-Fri. and noon-5 p.m. Sat. & Sun. Photos with Santa are 3-8 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat., noon-5 p.m. Sun. Santa’s Wonderland continues through Christmas Eve. Nov. 15-Dec. 24. For info: (501) 954-4500, BassPro.com/Santa. FREE!
7. Holiday Open House at Pleasant Ridge Town Center: Santa visits the shopping center! Enjoy music from carolers, rides in a carriage, refreshments and beautiful store window decorations. 1-4 p.m. Nov. 16. For info: (501) 225-7807, PleasantRidgeTownCenter.com. FREE!
8. Holiday Candle Making Workshop at Plantation Agriculture Museum in Scott: Join a park interpreter at the Plantation Agriculture Museum State Park for both traditional candle dipping and pouring candles to make as homemade gifts and take home for the holidays. Pre-registration required. $15. 9 a.m.-noon Nov. 15. For info: (501) 961-1409, ArkansasStateParks.com/PlantationAgricultureMuseum.
9. Q is for Quilt: A Children’s Story & Crafts Hour at Historic Arkansas Museum: Join the Museum staff for storytime in the galleries amid the quilts hanging in "The Great Arkansas Quilt Show 3" exhibit. Then, decorate a quilt square to add to the Community Quilt that will be pieced together, quilted and then on display. Fun for ages 3–8. 10 a.m. Nov. 15. For info: (501) 324-9351, HistoricArkansas.org. FREE!
10. Get Your Rear in Gear – Little Rock 5K Run/Walk at Burns Park in North Little Rock: Help raise funds for colon cancer awareness efforts in the Little Rock area. Monies raised will stay in our community, helping with prevention, early detection and treatment, and healthy living projects for this disease. The event includes refreshments, T-shirts and marathon-quality medals for age group winners. Get Your Rear in Gear provides a special opportunity to honor survivors and those lost to colon cancer in our community. $30; kids 12 and under $15. 7:30 a.m. Nov. 15. For info: (501) 609-5855, ColonCancerCoalition.org.
For more events, browse our full online calendar here.