Nine Months and Out: Getting Prepped for Toddlerhood

From left: Vivian Kate Deere, daughter of Little Rock Soirée Account Executive Luci Deere, and Mallory Mathews,
daughter of Alissa Mathews, ABPG advertising coordinator.
9 Months
Baby should:
- move sitting to lying
- may pull to stand
- crawl
- repeat sounds (mamamamam,dadadada)
12 Months
Baby’s First: words, birthday
Baby should:
- say mama, dada, ball
- walk with assistance
- crawl fast
- stand alone
By 7 months old, babies’ brains are already working on speech and trying to figure out how to form words, according to recently published research from the University of Washington. In fact, when babies listen to adults talk, it stimulates areas of the brain that coordinate and plan motor movements for speech, according to the study. So, even though she probably won’t gurgle that first word until after 12 months, Mom and Dad’s exaggerated baby babble is helping her learn months in advance.
15 Months
Baby should:
- feed self with fingers
- say 10 or more words
- stand and walk
- bend and pick up a toy while standing

From left: Mac Bruton and his cousin, Zoe Bruton, both grandchildren of Rosemary Bruton, senior account executive.
18 Months
Baby should:
- walk well
- be starting to run
- speak 20-50 words
- repeat sounds and gestures
- feed self with spoon and cup
- be working on using a fork
Developmental timeline compiled with help from Dr. Carrie Brown, a pediatrician at Arkansas Children’s Hospital. For more baby tips and topics, visit