Track the Developmental Milestones of Your Child from In Utero to 18 Months

Grace Caroline Irvin, daughter of Lindsay Irvin, editor of consumer special publications at Arkansas Business Publishing Group.
Inch-by-inch and step-by-step, it is phenomenal how much your little one learns and grows in such a short amount of time. While Junior is in utero, your doctor helps you track development, but what about after Baby is born? You’ll continue to see your trusted pediatrician or family doctor for regularly-scheduled wellness check-ups and vaccinations. And in between visits, you can consult our handy developmental timeline—compiled with help from Dr. Carrie Brown, a pediatrician at Arkansas Children’s Hospital—to determine if your child is meeting major milestones.
Of course, it’s important to remember that not all children will progress at the same rate, especially if your baby was born prematurely. Don’t sweat it if your tyke isn’t mastering all developmental skills at the prescribed time. But, trust your instincts as a parent, and bring up any concerns or significant delays with your doctor. Says Dr. Brown: “Any child who is failing to meet [the following] milestones, doesn’t make consistent eye contact with others or demonstrates a lot of repetitive behaviors (lining up cars, spinning a pinwheel, etc.) should be evaluated by their physician.”
Read Dr. Brown's top developmental tips, plus more helpful info, at the links below:
For even more information, including tips on breastfeeding and baby bathtime, visit