Most people that know me, know that I love love love love love love looooooove babies! I’m one of those annoying people who cannot physically use a normal voice when I talk to them. I uncontrollably make weird faces and lose all awareness of my own adulthood and who or what is going on around me.

Suffice it to say, I’ve been making a whole lot of kooky voices and faces this month working on this BIG BABY ISSUE! It has been a virtual baby bonanza around the office and at photo shoots. Even through tantrums, tears and spit up, it felt like the cute was around every corner! Between the baby boom at KARK Channel 4 and our own office and Little Rock Family’s cutest baby photo contest, we’ve been inundated with doe-eyed gazes, giggles, coos, rubber band wrists, tasty toes, and baby babble o’ plenty.

So why all the fuss and baby talk? November is Little Rock Family’s official birth month. Our first issue was “delivered” 20 years ago in November 1994. Our mission for the past two decades has been to strengthen families in our community. Stronger, healthier families make stronger, healthier communities. Let’s celebrate together and keep the good work rolling into the next two decades!

Check out every page of this month’s issue for priceless information and resources on developmental milestones, health and wellness, infertility and adoption, ways to boost self-confidence, the importance of extended family, and more. And oh baby, don’t miss our Special Family insert and the best family fun calendar around.

From before baby and beyond, our Little Rock Family is here for your family. Keep us close throughout your parenting journey!