Fitness and Fundraising: 3 Family-Friendly Races This Weekend

(Pictured above: Participants at a previous Central Arkansas JDRF Walk.)
Put on your running shoes and head to one of these active events for families, all happening this Saturday, Sept. 20. The events will support various organizations, from JDRF to Big Brothers Big Sisters.
1. Central Arkansas JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes at Dickey-Stephens Park: Celebrate the fundraising efforts led by families, schools, hospitals and businesses throughout the state. This year's walk will be held at the ballpark, and will occur rain or shine. Festivities begin at 8 a.m., and the walk kicks off at 9 a.m. Walkers will march along the Riverfront Park trail to the Clinton Presidential Center and back. Participants can also snack on food, listen to music from B98.5, and take part in children's activities. 8 a.m. Sept. 20. For info, click here.
2. Corner Store Country Run at War Memorial Stadium: Come dressed in over-the-top country attire for the 5K fun run (stroller-friendly!) and stick around for a free, family-friendly country fair with live music, food, refreshments, carnival games and giveaways. One hundred percent of proceeds will benefit charitable causes, including Big Brothers Big Sisters, and additional funds will be donated to other organizations in Little Rock. $30, online registration $25; family of four $75, children under 8 free; first 500 to register will be free. 7:30-11 a.m. Sept. 20. For info: (501) 663-0775,
3. MEMS 5K at Two Rivers Park: Run through the park on this USATF-certified course. Registrants will receive a commemorative race T-shirt (while supplies last), race bib, and goodie bag. Snacks will be available at the finish line and awards given for the top three finishers in all age groups by gender. Proceeds from this race benefit The September Fund. The fund was established as a living memorial to the brave police, firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians who perished on September 11, 2001. The fund gives a one-time scholarship to first-year college-bound children of any first responder in the 100.3 the Edge listening area. $25. 5-7:30 p.m. Sept. 20. For info: (501) 605-2654,
For more weekend events, browse our full online calendar here.