Last Chance! Vote for Little Rock Family's Cutest Baby Photo Contest
by Blair Neel on 9/11/2014 8:00am

The finalists have been revealed in our Cutest Baby Photo Contest! We received over 200 adorable entries, and we loved each and every one. It was difficult to narrow down our favorites, but we made some very tough decisions and chose 50 finalists for the next round of the competition.
You can see all 50 finalists and vote on your favorite entry here. Voting will be open to the public Sept. 11-18. The photo with the most votes at midnight Sept. 18 will be our winner.
The winner/s will be announced in Little Rock Family's enews on Monday, Sept. 22! The winning photo/s will then be featured online and in the Little Rock Family magazine November 2014 edition.
Click here to see all of the precious finalists and vote for your favorite!