Last Chance to Enter Your Baby in Little Rock Family's Photo Contest

We know you have a favorite photo (or 100) of your little bundle of joy! Little Rock Family wants to see your baby's cutest moments, whether it's an angelic newborn shot, baby bath time or another photo opp for our Cutest Baby Photo Contest!
Photo submissions for the contest will be accepted through Sept. 9, 2014. Little Rock Family Staff members will then choose our favorites, and post the finalists on Sept. 11.
The winners will then be determined through a vote, open to the public! Voting will take place from Sept. 11-18 here on
The winning photos will then be featured online and in the Little Rock Family magazine November 2014 edition.
Click here to get started and submit your baby's cutest photo!
(The babies pictured above are just a few of the reader-submitted entries we've received so far!)