5 Events for Weekend Fun: Last Travs Games, Easter Seals Walk and Geocaching

Shake off the first week of school with these five events for the weekend of Aug. 22-24. Families can have fun while supporting a great organization at Easter Seals' Rollin' on the River Race & Family Fun Walk. Or, cheer on the Travelers at the team's final home games of the season. Keep reading for more of our event picks!
1. Rollin' on the River Race & Family Fun Walk at Clinton Presidential Center: Support Easter Seals Arkansas at this annual event. So far, the incredible teams have collectively raised over $74,000 to benefit the organization's programs for individuals with special needs. Two races start the day, and then the fun really begins with a bouncy house, petting zoo, games, obstacle course, photo booth and face painting. The 5K race begins at 7 a.m., and the 2K Family Fun walk starts at 8 a.m. Registration price varies. 7 a.m. Aug. 23. For info: (501) 227-3706, EasterSealsAR.com.
2. The Travelers at Dickey-Stephens Park: The Arkansas Travelers play their final home games of the season this weekend. On Aug. 21-22, they'll face the Tulsa Drillers: Thursday is Clunker Car Night and families can enjoy post-game fireworks on Friday. You can snag autographs from two Travs players when you arrive early Aug. 21-23. Then Aug. 23-25, the team will play the Northwest Arkansas Naturals. On Sunday, Aug. 24, fans are invited onto the field to take photos with their favorite Travs players and coaches. Plus, families can take advantage of $10 Family Sunday when you bring your church bulletin to the box office. For info: Travs.com.
3. Geocaching Weekend at Pinnacle Mountain State Park: Curious explorers learn about Arkansas State Park’s geocache tour and the geocaches found right in the park. Special events include free geocaching classes for beginners and a free scavenger hunt! Remember: Bring some extra goodies to replace items in the geocaches you find. Aug. 23-24. Find a schedule of the weekend events at ArkansasStateParks.com/PinnacleMountain. FREE!
4. Girl Scouts “I Can’t Wait To” Fall Recruitment Event at Pinnacle Mountain State Park: Learn about the Girls Scouts and enjoy a hiking adventure on the flat, paved Kingfisher Trail. Games and activities are provided by Heifer International and Girl Scouts - Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Girls ages 5-18 may take the opportunity to enroll or re-enroll for the 2014-2015 school year. 9:30 a.m.-noon Aug. 23. For info: (501) 758-1020, GirlScoutsDiamonds.org. FREE!
5. Storytime: Hometown Heroes at Barnes & Noble in West Little Rock: Nine members from the Little Rock Police Department are special guests at this special storytime! The officers will read aloud and answer questions from children. The featured book is Richard Scarry's "Cars and Trucks and Things that Go," which is all about things that move, from the forklift and the locomotive to the pumpkin car and the broom-o-cycle. 11 a.m. Aug. 23. For info: (501) 954-7646, BarnesAndNoble.com. FREE!
For more weekend events, browse our full online calendar here.