3 FREE Foodie Festivals This Weekend: Watermelon and Grapes

Save your appetite for one of Arkansas' foodie festivals this weekend, Aug. 11-13. Feast at one of three fests around the state, including two watermelon festivals and a grape celebration. Dig in!
1. 118th Tontitown Grape Festival: Travel to this town near Springdale to celebrate the area's delicious grapes. Shop the arts and crafts fair, enjoy free evening concerts, take a spin on carnival rides and sample the famous grape ice cream. And, of course, don't miss your chance to participate in a grape stomp. Aug. 9-13. For info: TontitownGrapeFestival.com. Admission and parking FREE!
2. 40th Annual Hope Watermelon Festival: Visitors can marvel at giant watermelons that weigh in at over 100 pounds, nosh on snacks from food booths, shop at arts-and-crafts vendors and more. Step up to compete in the watermelon-eating or seed-spitting contests. And of course, a trip to the fest isn’t complete without gobbling up a slice of ice-cold Hope watermelon. Country music fans can also enjoy a concert from David Nail on Sat. evening. Aug. 11-13. Parking $5. For info: HopeMelonFest.com. Admission FREE!
3. 37th Annual Cave City Watermelon Festival: Play watermelon games, dig into free watermelon at a watermelon feast, enjoy musical performances, and watch dancing and martial arts demonstrations. Aug. 11-13. For info: Facebook.com/CaveCityWatermelonFestival. FREE!
For more weekend events, browse our full online calendar here.