Travelers Baseball Returns to Dickey-Stephens Park

Get ready to hoot and holler for the home team. The Arkansas Travelers 2014 season opener took place in Midland, Texas on April 3, but they’ll be back in North Little Rock for the first home game of the season on April 10!
The Travs will bat against the Midland Rockhounds at Dickey-Stephens Park April 10-12, before taking on the Frisco RoughRiders April 13-15. After the games on April 10, 11 & 13, kids will be invited to run the bases.
Plus, April 13 is Operation Military Appreciation Sunday, as well as $10 Family Sunday. Military families will be honored during the game, and will receive $3 admission tickets with military ID. On Sunday, fans can also receive $10 admission for the whole family when you bring your church bulletin to the box office. For more info about opening weekend, click here.
During the games, families can hang out on the grassy slopes in the outfield or romp in the children’s area, complete with play equipment and bounce attractions. And don't forget to meet the brand-new mascots: Ace, the formidable equine character; and Otey, the much talked-about "swamp oppossum."
Families can look for special discounts and promotions all season long. On April 26, visitors are encouraged to bring their dogs to the game, and on April 27 kids can join Travs coaches and players on the field for a free baseball clinic. Visit on Tuesdays throughout the season for Animal Ambassador Days, in which the Little Rock Zoo brings critters to the ballpark. Families will also love the themed nights on Thursdays, such as Country & Western Night on May 8. For more promotions, giveaways and discounts, click here to see the full list.
To purchase season tickets, mini plans, suite rentals, or to schedule a birthday party, click here. For more info and to find the season schedule, visit