Arkansas Children's Hospital CEO Dr. Jonathan Bates Says It's Time for Retirement
The clock on the wall says it’s time to go, and no one knows that better than Arkansas Children’s Hospital President and CEO Dr. Jonathan Bates.
After all, he built the clock.
Bates, 67, is retiring after 20 years at ACH, leaving behind a legacy of pioneering, growth and innovation in pediatrics as he wraps up the second-longest CEO tenure in the hospital’s history.
“It’s sort of a mixed feeling,” Bates says, joking that the job was not unlike working as a farm horse. “I’m familiar with the collar and the harness. It’s kind of sweat-stained but it fits me. But it will be nice not to be pulling the wagon.”
Bates also leaves behind the hand-carved wooden grandfather clock he created for the Cress Board Room in the hospital’s office building.
“The gift of time is what our board members have given to our hospital,” Bates says.
Bates will certainly have more time for his woodworking. Find out how he got started with his hobby, meet his family and hear how 20 years at Arkansas Children's Hospital was time well spent. It's all in the digital edition of Little Rock Family's June issue.