Are you intrigued by nanotechnology?

Learn more about it during "Nano Days," a special event starting tomorrow (April 18) at the Museum of Discovery, 500 President Clinton Ave., Little Rock.

Nanotechnology may be all about the “little” things, but it’s a big deal in science. In fact, it's one of the fastest growing scientific fields today. The event will explore cutting edge research happening at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, discuss ethics of new technologies and experiment with real nano materials.

Here is a rundown of the fun activities lined up:

Exploring Properties: UV Bracelets
Use ultraviolet light to change the color of beads that contain photochromic dye.
Exploring Materials: Hydrogel
Discover how a super absorbing material can be used to move a straw.
Exploring Size: Moving Molecules
Use an air cannon toy to spin pinwheels.
Exploring Products: Nano Pants
Explore how the application of nano-sized whiskers can protect clothing from stains.
Exploring Nano and Society: Space Elevator
Imagine and draw what a space elevator might look like, which support systems would surround it, and what other technologies it might enable.

Additionally, visitors will get the chance to meet animals who use nanoproperties in the wild.  Dr. Seuss's "Horton Hears a Who" will be played throughout the day in the AETN Family Media Center for the museum's younger visitors.

"Nano Days" will run until Saturday (April 20).

Check out public showtimes of the event 2 p.m. tomorrow (April 18), 2 p.m. Friday (April 19), and 11:30 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday (April 20).

General admission is $10 for ages 12 and up; $8 ages 1-11; free under 1; and members get in free.

Call (501) 537-3055 for more information.