Head of the Class 2018: Joshua Bucher, The Baptist Preparatory School

Joshua Bucher
The Baptist Preparatory School
GPA: 4.26
Honors/Achievements: Member of Beta Club and Mu Alpha Theta, vice president of National Honor Society, three-time 4A basketball state champion and on track for a Student of Distinction diploma.
College Attending: University of Alabama.
Career Goal: My career goal is to become an aerospace engineer and then to go back to school and earn my Master of Business Administration. Hopefully, I can move into a position of management at an engineering firm.
Favorite Memory from High School: My favorite high school memory is winning three state championships with my basketball team.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: My 10th and 11th grade chemistry and AP chemistry teacher, Julie Cameron, made a difference in my life. She took the time to understand me as a person and helped me through a really hard time in my life.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!