Head of the Class 2018: Harrison Brown, Catholic High School for Boys

Harrison Brown
Catholic High School for Boys
GPA: 4.0
Honors/Achievements: National Merit Commended Student; member of National Honor Society, varsity tennis and physical fitness team; student body secretary; president and vice president of Mu Alpha Theta; Stephens Award, skit cheerleader and participant in University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences HEALERS Program.
Colleges Accepted to: University of Virginia, Washington and Lee University, Wake Forest University, University of Arkansas, Southern Methodist University and University of Georgia.
Career Goal: Surgeon.
Favorite Memory from High School: When I was a sophomore, Catholic made a mistake and accidentally assigned the freshmen students the top lockers and the sophomores the bottom lockers, enraging my fellow classmates. We protested the mistake in hopes of getting the lockers switched, and it was decided that there would be a freshman-sophomore basketball game that the entire school would attend to switch the lockers; the sophomores won.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: My Latin teacher Mr. Handloser, also known as Magister, made a difference in my life by how he lives his own life. He mentors students daily whether that be in Latin or in life while not receiving any recognition in return.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!