Head of the Class 2018: Briana Roden, North Little Rock High School

Briana Roden
North Little Rock High School
GPA: 4.25
Honors/Achievements: AP Scholar with Honors, Arkansas Scholar, top 5 percent of class for three years, top 1 percent of senior class, 35 on the ACT, Presidential Scholars Candidate, Arkansas Girls State delegate, member of student council and Mu Alpha Theta and vice president of National Honor Society.
College Attending: Baylor University.
Career Goal: I am pursuing a degree in biochemistry and, eventually, pharmacy. My ultimate goal is to help provide affordable medicine for people in underdeveloped countries.
Favorite Memory from High School: Starting the school year with Senior Roll Night is, by far, my favorite memory regarding high school. I will never forget the exhilaration of running away from houses in the middle of the night and admiring the masterpiece that my closest friends and I had accomplished as we sped away to our next target.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: I would not be on the path to Baylor or biochemistry without my AP biology and zoology teacher, Steve Boutwell. Mr. Boutwell truly cares about his students and their education and he taught me to love biology and value understanding above performance.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!