Head of the Class 2018: Erin Foley, Little Rock Christian Academy

Erin Foley
Little Rock Christian Academy
GPA: 4.30
Honors/Achievements: National Merit Commendation; member of National Honor Society, National Beta Club and International Thespian Society; departmental honors in social studies.
Colleges Accepted to: University of Arkansas, Ouachita Baptist University and Samford University.
Career Goal: Ever since a young age, I have been drawn to medical professions. I am seriously considering becoming an emergency medicine physician, a cardiologist, a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician or an internist.
Favorite Memory from High School: I have had the opportunity to attend two schools of similar reputation and status, but my favorite memory is of our junior class trip. The connection I felt with my classmates was never more clear or comforting and the whitewater rafting was exhilarating.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: My very first teacher, my babysitter Crystal, instilled in me a passion for reading and writing that I still enjoy today.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!