Head of the Class 2018: Adam Kirchner, Central Arkansas Christian

Adam Kirchner
Central Arkansas Christian
GPA: 4.29
Honors/Achievements: Member of National Honor Society, National Beta Club and Mu Alpha Theta; Student Council representative and Arkansas Governor's Distinguished Scholar.
Colleges Accepted to: University of Arkansas, Harding University and University of Alabama.
Career Goal: I plan to become a civil engineer.
Favorite Memory from High School: My favorite memory from high school is our Day of Service. We spend part of the school day putting on a track meet for ACCESS and then students split into groups to do various service projects across the Little Rock area.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: Although there have been many teachers and coaches who have made an impact in my life, one that really stands out to me is Ms. Leverett. As the student council sponsor and my English teacher, she has not only done a great job teaching English, but she has also taught me about life and leadership.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!