Head of the Class 2018: Emily Leding, Pulaski Academy

Emily Leding
Pulaski Academy
GPA: 4.662
Honors/Achievements: Hendrix Book Award; third place in National History Day Competition; 2017 Arkansas Girl State Senator; member of National Spanish Honor Society, National Honor Society, Beta Club and Mu Alpha Theta; Student Council vice president; varsity soccer team captain; varsity cross-country team captain; four-time All-State in cross- country; two-time All-State in soccer; 2015-2016 Arkansas All-Preps Soccer Freshman/Sophomore Team; 2016-2017 Arkansas All-Preps Soccer First Team and Wendy's High School Heisman State Finalist.
College Attending: Washington and Lee University.
Career Goal: Though I am not certain of my exact career path, I hope to earn a degree in a math-related field of study.
Favorite Memory from High School: My favorite memory was going to a Model United Nations Conference at Dartmouth College. After the conference was finished, we spent a day in New York City. I went to the National September 11 Memorial & Museum and spent the day sightseeing.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: Emily Pierce, my 11th and 12th grade calculus teacher, deserves to be specially recognized. In a class where it is easy to lose hope, Mrs. Pierce has emphasized the values of persistence and hard work. On an individual level, she has been a caring and thoughtful mentor.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!