Head of the Class 2018: Caroline Bellamy, Pulaski Academy

Caroline Bellamy
Pulaski Academy
GPA: 4.515
Honors/Achievements: President's List, member of Mu Alpha Theta and National Honor Society, second place in Environmental Science in the Arkansas Junior Academy of Science, 5A All-Conference cross-country from 2014-2017 and Governor's Volunteer Excellence Award from 2015-2018.
Colleges Accepted to: University of Southern California; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Los Angeles; University of Virginia; University of Richmond and University of Arizona.
Career Goal: I plan to go into international relations and urban planning to help people overseas and domestically.
Favorite Memory from High School: Junior college trip because we all suffered through the blizzard and long bus ride together and it gave us all fun memories to laugh about later. I have also enjoyed cross-country meets and soccer games with some of my best friends and teammates.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: Mrs. McCandless, my tenth grade English and 11th grade APUSH teacher, has encouraged me to never stop pushing for success and inspired me to improve my writing abilities.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!