Head of the Class 2018: Mia Alshami, Pulaski Academy

Mia Alshami
Pulaski Academy
GPA: 4.58
Honors/Achievements: Amnesty International Club president, national qualifier for Junior Science and Humanities Symposia, first place Engineering Junior Academy of Science, honorable mention at Engineering Arkansas State Science Fair, third place at National History Day State, honorable mention delegate at MIT Model UN and attendee at Arkansas Governor's' School and Arkansas Girls' State.
Colleges Accepted to: Wake Forest University, George Washington University, Rhodes College, Saint Louis University, University of Arkansas and Hendrix College.
Career Goal: I do not have a set goal in mind, but I know I want to do something with natural science.
Favorite Memory from High School: My favorite memory from high school would have to be qualifying for the national science fair competition in April 2017. I had worked so hard on my science fair project and it was so fulfilling to go to the national competition in San Diego!
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: Mr. Bill Topich has helped me build my confidence in Model UN, aid in human rights issues as the president of Amnesty International and win two state championships in tennis.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!