Head of the Class 2018: Milenko Petrovic, Maumelle High School

Milenko Petrovic
Maumelle High School
GPA: 4.146
Honors/Achievements: Lettered in football, track and field, wrestling and band; All-Conference in football; Burlsworth Player of the Game and Character Awards; assistant drum major; North Little Rock VA volunteer; Maumelle Youth Council member; Arkansas Youth Symphony Orchestra cello player; Quiz Bowl freshman all-star team member; All-State solo and ensemble competitor, trumpet; three-year All-Region first band member; attended Summer Leadership and Character Development Academy, U.S. Marine Corps 2016 and Summer Seminar, U.S. Naval Academy 2017.
Colleges Accepted to: Vanderbilt University; Washington University in Saint Louis; University of Arkansas and University of California, Los Angeles.
Career Goal: To complete medical school and become a doctor.
Favorite Memory from High School: My very first marching band show was my favorite memory. We played amazing music and it was the beginning of my high school band career.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: My football coach, Coach Horton, had a large influence not only on my skills as a player but also taught me perseverance, discipline and leadership.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!