Head of the Class 2018: Annabelle Childers, Joe T. Robinson High School

Annabelle Childers
Joe T. Robinson High School
GPA: 4.196
Honors/Achievements: Student council president, treasurer and representative; member of International Thespian Society and National Honor Society; honor graduate; All-Conference soccer; Principal's Award; Senator ambassador; Arkansas Girls State delegate; homecoming court junior and senior year; State Beta Convention Competitions: Character Skit winner, Oratory runner-up and Special Talent second runner-up; Second Place at University of Arkansas at Little Rock piano competition and superior rating at Piano Federation Festival nine years in a row.
Colleges Accepted to: Harding University and Pepperdine University.
Career Goal: I hope to major in broadcast journalism and work as a news anchor.
Favorite Memory from High School: My favorite memory from high school would have to be yearly trips to the Arkansas State Beta Convention. From freshman to senior year, Beta Convention has been an amazing experience where I have strengthened friendships with other students and have been pushed to compete in a variety of academic and fine arts competitions.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life: English teacher Ms. Briana Williams has been a mentor to me throughout my high school career. She has helped me grow as a leader and student, and has shown me the importance of hard work in school and in life.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2018 Head of the Class!