Tickets On Sale Now for Fancyful Princess Ball

Poof! It's time for your fairy godmother to transform your car into a carriage and your sandals into glass slippers for the Fancyful Princess Ball.
Guests of all ages are invited to this magical event where 10 princesses will be in attendance: The Island Princess, Rapunzel, The Little Mermaid, Beauty, The Snow Queen, The Ice Princess, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, The Frog Princess and Snow White.
Little attendees are encouraged to wear their favorite princess dress or costume and adults are welcome to dress in their "fancy" attire as well.
Activities at the ball include:
- Dance performance by the princesses
- Group games with the princesses
- Meet and greet time with each princess
- Photo booth
- Make-your-own-crown station
- Candy bar
- Sing- and dance-a-long with the princesses

The ball takes place at the Junior League of Little Rock Ballroom on Oct. 19 at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
The event is desgined for for children ages 3-8 but all ages are welcome to attend. Children under 1 year old will be admitted for free. There is a limit of 210 guests per session.
Tickets are $30 and are available on Eventbrite; find the 10 a.m. tickets here and the 1:30 p.m. tickets here.
For more information about the ball, visit Fancyful's website.
Check out the video below for a look at one of the past Fancyful Princess Balls.
Follow along on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on all of Fancyful's fairytale happenings. And for more royal fun, head to one of the princess tea parties at the Castle on Stagecoach.