Team snack day can sneak up on you sometimes. We perused Pinterest to find some ideas that could take your snack game to the next level. Don't worry, there are some easy ones in here, too.

1. Hi-C Applesauce Robots by Happy Go Lucky Blog

Happy Go Lucky blog rounded up some cool ideas. Some parents are hesitant to give their kids food if they don't know the environment that it was prepared in. The Hi-C robot makes use of prepackaged foods so that moms can rest easy about its cleanliness.

2. Caterpillar Grape Kabobs by Riches to Rags Blog

Kids love to play with their food. Sometimes they don't even bother to eat it, but that's another story. Making the food more fun is a good way to trick kids into eating something that can benefit them. These grape kabobs are a super cute way to keep your kids hydrated and healthy!

3. Healthy Candy Bracelets by One Little Project

OK, candy is a misnomer here. These braclets use dried fruit and Cheerios to make some healthy, but still sugary, bracelets. The cool thing about this treat is that it's also a crafty activity — get your child involved in the process before snack day comes around for a fun afternoon.

4. Softball Rice Krispies Treats by The Country Chic Cottage

Just by cutting Rice Krispies Treats into small circles and putting some icing on top, you can make a bunch of snacks for the whole softball team. 

5. 20 Healthy Team Snacks by Real Mom Nutrition

This is for when you've given the kids too much junk food and you need to be more health-conscious with their snacks. This list contains some excellent ideas to keep fruit and veggies from being too boring.

These ideas should have you well on the way to being the "cool" sports parent! Hopefully, our list sparks some ideas for you to try on your own.