Head of the Class 2017: Gabrielle Davis, Little Rock Christian Academy

Gabrielle Davis
Little Rock Christian Academy
GPA: 4.39
Honors/Achievements: National Honor Society, National Beta Club, National French Honor Society, Honor Roll, AP Scholar, Outstanding Student Award, AP Literature and Composition, Arkansas Girls State Delegate, American Heart Association Sweetheart Program.
Colleges Accepted to: Vanderbilt University, Washington University in St. Louis, Rhodes College, Hendrix College, Ouachita Baptist University, University of Central Arkansas, University of Arkansas and Lipscomb University.
College Attending: Undecided.
Career Goal: Undecided.
Favorite Memory from High School: My favorite high school memory is the trip I took to Italy during my senior year. I’ve always adored traveling, but it was my first time on a plane and my first time out of the United States. I had an incredibly fun time interacting with Italians and learning more about their culture (including the miracle that is Italian cuisine). The history nerd in me loved getting to see places I had only read about in books, like St. Mark’s Square in Venice and Brunelleschi’s Dome in Florence. I’m already looking forward to visiting Italy again someday!
Favorite Quote: “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style” - Maya Angelou.