Head of the Class 2017: Kara Maurer, Bryant High School

Kara Maurer
Bryant High School
GPA: 4.33
Honors/Achievements: National Honor Society, Quill and Scroll National Winner for Feature Photo, NSPA Sports Photo of the Year 2016, ASPA Photojournalist of the Year 2014, Valedictorian, Honors Fellowship Scholarship from the University of Arkansas, AP Distinguished Scholar.
Colleges Accepted to: University of Arkansas.
College Attending: University of Arkansas.
Career Goal: I plan on double majoring in mathematics and electrical engineering, and either working for a firm or company or possibly starting my own firm.
Favorite Memory from High School: A group of my friends and I would go to Starbucks to study for an upcoming test or write essays for class or scholarships together. Their support and guidance has made school and work so much more fun.
Favorite Quote: “Imagine others complexly” - John Green.