Head of the Class 2017: Marshall Callicott, Bryant High School

Marshall Callicott
Bryant High School
GPA: 4.28
Honors/Achievements: National Honor Society; Arkansas Scholar; Arkansas American Legion; Boys State; and Model United Nations 2016 Outstanding Delegate honorable mention, Outstanding Country designation and overall first runner-up.
Colleges Accepted to: Mississippi State University.
College Attending: Mississippi State University.
Career Goal: Obtaining both graduate and undergraduate degrees in forestry with a concentration in environmental conservation heavily focused on ecology. My goal is to do research studies in Patagonia, Chile and to work to preserve biodiversity among the world’s ecosystems.
Favorite Memory from High School: The years I’ve spent in band have shaped me into the student I am. From my first year lettering for my letter jacket to this year’s top three finish at the first ever Arkansas Bands State competition, the band program made my high school years ones I’ll cherish for a lifetime.
Favorite Quote: “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks” - John Muir, American Environmentalist.