Head of the Class 2017: Alexa Ramick, eStem High Public Charter School

Alexa Ramick
eStem High Public Charter School
GPA: 4.3214
Honors/Achievements: National Honor Society, Beta Club, yearbook editor-in-chief, Quiz Bowl captain, Arkansas Governor’s School, University of Central Arkansas Honors College, Scholar Athlete, Salutatorian.
Colleges Accepted to: University of Arkansas, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, University of Central Arkansas.
College Attending: University of Central Arkansas.
Career Goal: After college, I plan to attend pharmacy school to earn my doctorate in pharmacy. I would like to start a career in pharmaceutical research with an emphasis in genomics.
Favorite Memory from High School: My favorite memory from high school is the day the seniors skipped school to go to the fair. Even though it was raining we all had lots of fun riding rides and just hanging out.
Favorite Quote: “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible’” - Audrey Hepburn.