Head of the Class 2017: Arthur Teed, Pulaski Academy

Arthur Teed
Pulaski Academy
GPA: 4.6863
Honors/Achievements: National Merit Finalist, National Spanish Exam Gold Medalist, National History Day Nationals Qualifier, Mu Alpha Theta, National Honor Society, Beta Club, AP Scholar, Harvard Summer School (2015 and 2016), President’s List.
Colleges Accepted to: Northeastern University.
College Attending: Undecided.
Career Goal: I will be an environmental engineer with an aim to work on making our transportation completely environmentally friendly. Additionally, I would like to tackle the issues of diminishing resources such as fresh water and clean air through technological developments in desalination of water and extraction of carbon from our atmosphere.
Favorite Memory from High School: Our school trip to Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Boston Model United Nations Conference.
Favorite Quote: “Always have a purpose in life that is beyond position and money” - Colin Powell.