Head of the Class 2017: Kennedi Robinson, Parkview Arts & Science Magnet High School

Kennedi Robinson
Parkview Arts and Science Magnet High School
GPA: 3.1
Honors/Achievements: Beta Club, Honor Roll, Student Council member.
Colleges Accepted to: Unknown.
College Attending: Undecided.
Career Goal: My career goal is to do makeup on big-time celebrities and to make everyone feel beautiful.
Favorite Memory from High School: My junior year we planned a senior takeover day — a farewell to the current seniors. We all dressed up in patriotic attire, made posters and met up in the courtyard to take pictures. As soon as we finished we rushed into the school and chanted “2017!” We filled the hallways with balloons and to our surprise we were surrounded by class of 2018 and they had on all black and they booed. Even though administration and security weren’t too pleased, it was hilarious and an experience everyone will remember.
Favorite Quote: “She realized that she is too pretty to act ugly, too blessed to be stressed, and loved by God too much to be bothered by hate” - unknown.