Head of the Class 2017: Kiana Frierson, J.A. Fair High School

Kiana Frierson
J.A. Fair High School
GPA: 4.037
Honors/Achievements: Valedictorian, 2017 Principal’s Scholar, AAPI: Excellence in Academics and Community Service, SRS: Exceptional Youth Female Nomination, President’s Education Award: Outstanding Academic Excellence, National Society of High School Scholars.
Colleges Accepted to: Spelman College, Clark Atlanta University, Concordia University Chicago, Tougaloo College, Georgia State University, University of Missouri, University of Southern Mississippi, Oral Roberts University, Westminster College and Albany State University.
College Attending: Tougaloo College.
Career Goal: I plan to become a specialized pediatrician.
Favorite Memory from High School: I have enjoyed being a member of Student Council for the past three years. I have served as sophomore class president, student body vice president and I am currently the student body president. My leadership abilities have flourished because of Student Council and I’ve created close bonds with my peers and had fun planning events for the entire student body.
Favorite Quote: “Invest in yourself. You can afford it. Trust me” - Rashon Carraway.