Head of the Class 2017: Sarang Harris, Maumelle High School

Sarang Harris
Maumelle High School
GPA: 4.35
Honors/Achievements: Valedictorian, Maumelle Youth Council Mayor, varsity cross-country team captain, Arkansas Girls State Supreme Court Justice, Arkansas Governor’s School alumna, Maumelle High School student ambassador and National Honor Society.
Colleges Accepted to: Rhodes College, Southern Methodist University, University of Texas at Austin, University of Glasgow and Utah State University.
College Attending: Undecided.
Career Goal: I have yet to decide. I’m interested in medicine and psychiatry, but I would also like to be a quantitative analyst on Wall Street.
Favorite Memory from High School: I still smile when I think about the time my father escorted me for homecoming court my sophomore year. Neither of us took it too seriously. I still remember some of the jokes he told as he walked me down the football field.
Favorite Quote: “I’m quite illiterate, but I read a lot” - J.D. Salinger, “The Catcher in the Rye.”