Register for the 2015 Summer Reading Club: Every Hero Has a Story

Reading super stories all summer long: Superpower or the 2015 Summer Reading Club theme? How about both?! Registration for the Central Arkansas Library System's Summer Reading Club is now open, and the 2015 theme is "Every Hero Has a Story."
Your young Superman or Wonder Woman can spend seven weeks reading books and attending storytimes, experiments, music and magic shows, and more at the branches of the Central Arkansas Library System. This year, participants will celebrate all kinds of heroes--from the kind in comic books to those you might find in your own community.
Each branch hosts its own free programs for kids, teens and adults. Once you register and receive your Summer Reading Club materials, you can attend programs and special events at any of the branches--all for free!
Participants can pick up materials on May 26 at all CALS locations. Programs and events begin on June 15. Online registration for the CALS Summer Reading Club is currently open and continues through May 25; click here to register online.